About Our Pastor

Pastor David Peacock trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour at the age of seven, when he was led to the Lord by his father, Ben Peacock, a Baptist Pastor and Evangelist. In March of 1992, Dr. Peacock founded and began pastoring the church while a Lieutenant with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s office. He served as a policeman with a combined total of 3 years with both the Atlantic Beach and St. Augustine departments, and after 17 years of service with Jacksonville and the rank of Captain, the Lord led him to leave to continue his full-time Pastoring of the church.
Dr. Peacock earned his Bachelor of Divinity Degrees from the Blue Ridge Bible Institute and the Charity Baptist Bible Institute and Seminary. He earned his Master of Theology Degree in May of 1998, and his Doctor of Theology Degree in January of 2000, both from the Blue Ridge Bible Institute. Dr. Peacock served as the Vice President of BRBI while Dr. Lince was living and helped establish Bible institutes with Dr. Lince in the Philippines and Romania. It is Dr. Peacock's desire to carry on with what Dr. Lince started, and he now serves as the President of The Bible Doctrine Institute (formerly BRBI).
He continues today to follow the Lord’s guidance in preaching the word of God and pastoring Bible Believers Baptist Church.
On a Personal Note…
We at Bible Believers Baptist Church love our Pastor very much, and are thankful to God for giving us His man to do His will in Jacksonville, Florida.
God has given us a Pastor who has a close walk with Jesus Christ and one who preaches what God would have him to preach. His labor for Christ and for the Church is only outdone by his love for both. It is evident to all that know him and hear him preach that the love of Christ constrains him to spend countless hours laboring in the word of God and in prayer.
Visitors are encouraged to come to any of our services to hear the word of God preached from our pastor and should you have any questions, he is personally available to take time to talk with you.